Our philosophy: Special tests are meant to help guide your physical examination, not be the main source of your information. Differentiate Intrinsic contracture from forearm flexor contracture Flexing the wrist relaxes the FDS & FDP (long flexor) tendons; if patient can then flex the IPJ's, with the wrist flexed there is intrinsic tightness, if they cannot it is a Volkmann's contracture (long flexors). Intrinsic Tests (Deformity) 1. The hand and wrist can be palpated to localize tenderness to a specific anatomic structure. Positive test = causes pain and carpal tunnel syndrome symptoms Tinels test: tap median nerve at its course in wrist. Pseudoinstability Test. Where there is loss of normal forward glide of the carpus, is due to protective spasm. Tap or Percussion Test ... Digital Allen’s Test ¾2) Identify, through differential diagnosis, impairments at the wrist, radiohumeral joint, distal radioulnar joint, and TFCC. cervical radiculopathy vs. carpal tunnel syndrome) Have the patient first flex their thumb across the palm and then flex the fingers around it . Wrist and Hand Special Tests. Positive test = tingling worsens Function Function: test pincer grip; squeeze my fingers (C8 root); prayer sign; carry out everyday tasks e.g. Pivot shift test for Midcarpal instability However, success in treating the patient with hand dysfunction is closely associated with the therapist's o. Phalen ’ s test: reverse prayer sign for 1min (pain/paresthesia = carpal tunnel syndrome) o. Tinel ’ s test: tap median nerve at its course in wrist (paresthesia = carpal tunnel syndrome) o Finkelstein’s test: patient adducts thumb to palm and closes fist around it, then examiner tilts wrist … The next special test is to diagnose DeQuervain's tendonitis, which is inflammation affecting the tendons on the thumb side of the wrist. Objectives ¾1) Describe the influence of biomechanical and anatomical structures on wrist pain. SPECIAL TESTS. Lack of this motion is equivalent to the apprehension sign of shoulder or patellar instability. Special tests Phalens test: reverse prayer sign for 1m. We suggest relying primarily on your anatomy and kinesiology and then using special tests to reinforce your findings. Then ask the patient to bend the wrist … Wrist/Hand Joints. There are hundreds upon thousands of Special Tests available for physical therapists. It is called the Finkelstein's Test. Wrist/Hand • Bilateral comparison to look for asymmetry • Inspect for atrophy, joint swelling, triggering of finger • Special Tests: Tinel, Phalen, Finkelstein, CMC grind • Include exam of shoulder and elbow to determine etiology (e.g. 2. ref: Kelly and Stanley " arthroscopy of the wrist" J Hand Surg 15B: 236-242, 1990. ¾3) Demonstrate and integrate manual therapy intervention techniques in the With the dawn of the computer age, wrist and hand pain became the most common ... Special tests can help support specific diagnoses (e.g., Finkelstein’s test, the grind test… Wrist and Hand Examination and Interpretation CAROLYN T. WADSWORTH, MS, PT* Hand rehabilitation is an area with the potential for providing orthopaedic physical therapists a challenging and rewarding practice.