**Update** I received this information on how Hoya Rebecca was created from Antone Jones in October of 2019: Your info on this cultivar is incorrect. They grow in moderate temperate regions … Blooms: Fuzzy, revolute creamy-white flowers up to 8mm across, with a lemon corona. Lacunosa #1, plain green variety with wider and sturdier leaves. Make sure that the pot your Hoya is in has adequate drainage holes. ... Hoya lacunosa, Blume. It originates from the tropics and is used to bright light and plenty of humidity. This plant will suffer considerably in the dry environment of northern centrally heated homes in the winter. Scientific name: Hoya lacunosa ‘Silver leaves’ Common name: Waxflower, waxplant, waxvine Origin: South East Asia Flower colour: see picture Soil: well drained soil.Hoya hates clogged soil! ... Leaf-drop, blackening of leaves and dieback of stems: may be due to poorly-drained or water-logged compost or … Water when the top 1-2" of soil feels dry to the touch • Considerations: Use a well-draining soil, and select a planter with drainage. Has only dropped a couple of leaves and is looking happy next to the the Obovata. I have another Hoya processijng as we type. >>> Hoya spp. Due to its trailing nature it makes a beautiful desk plant or is perfect for giving depth to a shelf display. Thank you Cody and Jesse for an amazing staff. Hoya leaves turning yellow or brown color. Whether you place your plant on the windowsill will depend how strong the sunlight in your area is. As a member of Section Centrostemma, it differs from other Hoyas in terms of placement of the inner corona lobe tip relative to the anthers and the lowered outer corona lobe apex, resulting in a sharply Hoya lacunosa H13. Firm, thick, succulent leaves in medium green with gorgeous, well-defined abs, approximately 4cm x 2cm. We hope you’ve found this useful. And I have. For Hoya Krohniana care use an airy soil mix containing peat , perlite, and orchid mix (fir bark, charcoal, and perlite), Keep temperatures around 25°C (65°F) at daytime and a few degrees cooler at night. Discover (and save!) Leaves turning brown or red could be a sign of leaf burn and too much sun. Wax plants can come under attack by two fungal diseases that affect the leaves as well as other parts... Other Diseases. Hoya ‘Sunrise’ is an elegant, highly collectable cross between Hoya lacunosa ssp. Check out our FAQ! Hoya help! Light: Plenty of … Lighting: Bright direct light Hoya lacunosa is most suitable for growing hanging. Sun exposure: Bright filtered light. Each mature leaf is about 3 to 4 inches in size. Hoya plant care is very easy for all indoor plants and you can enjoy them for decades with little care. Hoya help! Because of this you may find that the plant is more expensive or smaller than other types of Hoya you are able to buy. If you put the two plants side by side, Hoya Krohniana has perfectly heart-shaped leaves, like spades, whereas Hoya Lacunosa has oval ones. Send a personalized gift notification message, even though our holiday delivery deadline has passed. Remove a leaf with part of the stalk on it and put into a pot filled with a suitable compost or soil and keep moist. Leaves going soft and falling off. Noooooo. Fertilise your Hoya Lacunosa during the growing months with a well balanced standard fertilier. Hoya’s don’t like to be sitting in wet soil but can take regular waterings. Got questions? Family: Apocynaceae ***Note: This plant is shipped in a 3.5 inch pot. Oct 4, 2017 - This Pin was discovered by Megan Helm. MY SISTER-IN-LAW IN Grand Junction is having the same problem. There are many different varieties of Hoya lacunosa, but the most "common" one has leaves that are dark green, 3-6 cm long, … That should provide them with the level of moisture they need but if you’re going for optimal growth then we would definitely recommend investing in a good humidifier. Sold Out. Hoya krohniana is very much like Hoya lacunosa and most suitable for growing hanging. They s. My plant arrived well packed and in good condition. Yes Hoya Lacunosa can take full sun, however if you live somewhere with exceptionally strong unrelenting sun you may want to consider some shade for your plant. Features of the Hoya Lacunosa Plant Size. We include shipping box warmers at no charge as needed. Soil: Well draining aerated soil Allow the water to run through the drainage holes and when the plant has stopped dripping you can return it to its usual place in your home. Flowers last up to 5 days. Check the plant and assess what the situation may be. Your input is very much appreciated. You’ll probably need to water your plant around once a week but of course this can vary in the winter or during very hot weather. Hoya is an evergreen climber suitable for the conservatory, bearing slightly pendant heads of waxy flowers which can be highly scented, particularly in the evening. Handled very professsional. Disclosure: This post may include affiliate links meaning I receive a commission if you make a purchase through these links at no extra cost to yourself. Fragrance-like perfume. Although Hoyas are not succulents, most Hoyas have very thick, succulent-like leaves. Most plants will do badly on top of a radiator so save that space for ornaments and photo frames. Required fields are marked *. my hoya was still beautiful after travelling across country! Most Rooted Cuttings are propagated In the Greenhouse from Healthy, Happy personal Plants. Hoya lacunosa tove long leaves i s o n e o f t h e m o s t beautiful and e a s y g r o w i n g. You will receive the Hoya plant in the picture or similar plants. Hoya Lacunosa tove long leaves. Hoya’s can survive in most humidity levels although they will do worse in drier more arid conditions. Water when the top 1-2" of soil feels dry to the touch. • Considerations: Use a well-draining soil, and select a … Hoya erythrina H24. Some Hoya leaves are smooth and shiny; some are covered with hairs. Hoya lacunosa has delicate, lanceolate leaves that emerge on long vining stems. Leaves. let it dry out between waterings Hardiness: not lower than 14°C (57°F) Height: Vine, up to 3m (9’9″) Sold Out. Has been growing in its original nursery pot with a chunky mix for more than a year. Your email address will not be published. Flowers are white with yellow crowns. Close • Posted by 7 minutes ago. Mid-June 2020 Epiphytica will distribute hoya through brokerage partners in the United States. Once the growing season is over stop fertilising and water as usual then start the plant food again in the spring time. Watering: Frequently. Purchased from a small independent plant shop labeled "lacunosa" but label isn't the end all be all since I have seen many hoyas mislabled. Hoya lacunosa is from the latin word “lacunosa” or lacunose in English. If you live somewhere with incredibly strong sunlight it could damage the leaves, where as if you live somewhere with moderate to low sunlight your plant should be absolutely fine on a windowsill. This is a must have for Hoya enthusiasts. Origin: South East Asia Hoya ‘Rebecca’ is a climbing cultivar with medium sized leaves which react significantly to sun-stressing. Unfortunately Hoya Lacunosa is a plant that isn’t that common as a houseplant so can be quite difficult to come by. In a shaded environment the light green waxy leaves may not appear to be anything special, however when exposed to sun, or when new growth emerges, the leaves produces a rich purple shade, revealing the magnificent veins that dissect the foliage. Just like many other members of the Hoya family, the Hoya Lacunosa does well under bright light. Size: Notify me ... Delightful hanging hoya with stunning purple leaves measuring 5.5cm x 3cm, soft and especially velvet-like... View full product details . They are 10"-15" length vines, well rooted. So far there are two varieties of this hoya, one with leaves that only have few flecks and one that is more or less completely spotted. Common Names: Shooting-star Hoya, Multi-flowered Hoya Hoya multiflora has beeen placed in and out of the genus Hoya. Leaves going soft and falling off. • Light : Perfect for bright, indirect light. Hoya Lacunosa 'Royal Flush' Hoya is an evergreen climber suitable for the conservatory. Try around 55 - 60°F (13 - 15°C) for a month or two during winter (before spring) but no lower than 45°F (7°C) which may encourage blooms for late spring - summer. Hoya leaves are shriveling — hoya may not be getting enough water and/or humidity, there may be die-back or an issue with the roots (perhaps they are dead or have dried up), or may be a sign of mealybugs. This hoya comes from Indonesia and Malaysia and it was described in 1826. Shipping gifts? Each leaf is unique and some may appear more silver than others. As the Hoya Lacunosa comes from the tropics it is used to more humid environments and will therefore grow better when the humidity is higher. Attractive foliage and waxy flowers which can be highly scented, make these plants popular with indoor growers. lacunose Hoya Lacunosa Flower. Quick Shop Hoya lacunosa has delicate, lanceolate leaves that emerge on long vining stems. Best suits hanging pot. So to summarise, for optimal Hoya Lacunosa care, your plant requires: Now that you’ve finished our Hoya Lacunosa care guide, check out some of the most frequently asked questions regarding this quirky little plant and you might find some of your questions have already been answered below. My hoya plant is dropping leaves like crazy. • Light: Perfect for bright, indirect light• Water: Drought tolerant. Save my name, email, and website in this browser for the next time I comment. Unless you have a variegated hoya plant or a tricolor hoya, the leaves should be a lush, healthy green color. Please keep reading for our detailed Hoya Lacunosa care guide. Hoya lacunosa 'Snow Caps' has lance shaped leaves speckled with silver spots that resembles a dusting of snow. Description: Hoya lacunosa is an epiphytic diminutive trailer or climbing shrub with small, dense, cascading shining leaves and clusters, cream-white flowers. Discover (and save!) Up to 15-25 flowers per umbel. It is named after its prominent characteristics of having “lacunose leaves/surfaces (cupped or sunken between the veins). Sooty mold is another fungus that appears on the leaves of the wax plant as a black growth. Hoya Lacunosa is a plant that is used to growing on other plants so you don’t want a dense soil mix where the water can’t drain away. Our US partners will be happy to reserve and send you hoyas in June. pallidiflora and Hoya obscura, hybridized by Michael Miyashiro in 1992.The leaves … Our plants include detailed care instructions as well as our Houseplant Best Practices guide, with information on how to repot, seasonal care and more! Which is great because it means that they are very forgiving in the home and will tolerate (and even thrive) from some neglect! However due to their waxy leaves they can take a lot of light and the light will help them to bloom. The solution is to move your hoya away from a window or protect it from direct sunlight. It occurs... Control. your own Pins on Pinterest They are fuzzy little stars tightly curled appearing to be little balls. Some go a little yellow and soft, others not really. If you have any other questions regarding Hoya Lacunosa care then please leave them in the comments below and we will do our best to answer them as well as we can. Pet friendly! If the water has no where to go your plant can be sitting in soggy soil for days which is something it will not respond well to. Some Hoya leaves appear to be veinless while others have very conspicuous veins of a lighter or darker colour than the rest of the leaves. Hoya ‘Rebecca’ is a cross between Hoya lacunosa Langawi Island x Hoya obscura. They can transform any room into a sweet smelling paradise. No two plants are alike, and yours will have its own unique shape, size and personality; expect this natural variation from the photos. This is … It's hard to say what's wrong here without a closer look but the only thing I've ever seen cause a hoya to drop green leaves like that is spider mites, so give this a good once over. Light: full sun to partial shade Watering: plenty, but(!) The heart shaped leaves are 1.5-3.5 cm long and 1.5-2.5 cm wide with raised nerves, especially the vein in the middle. But  I will say my obovata came perfectly packaged and full. Also the air around a radiator is usually hot and dry and Hoya Lacunosa is a plant that thrives under high humidity and does badly in dry conditions. Spherical clusters of fuzzy white flowers give off a wonderfully perfumed scent. Thank you for your support on this platform. Due to its trailing nature it makes a beautiful desk plant or is perfect for giving depth to a shelf display. Guarantee that I would return in the future. This dense, small leaf variety is perhaps most well known for the rich cinnamon-scented, fuzzy white blossoms that eventually develop along its vines. For most areas in the northern Europe and  North America your plant will do well in direct light but as you move closer to the equator or if you live in areas with strong relentless sun then you may need to place this plant in shade to avoid the foliage becoming damaged. Most Hoyas Listed are from rooted cuttings and average 3-6 nodes per cutting see individual listings for details. I have 12 inches where there are no leaves. Hoya Care Temperature: Temperatures from 65 - 80°F (18 - 26°C) are ideal during spring and summer. Thank you. Send a personalized gift notification message, even though our holiday delivery deadline has passed. Your email address will not be published. This dense, small leaf variety is perhaps most well known for the rich cinnamon-scented, fuzzy white blossoms that eventually develop along its vines. We would recommend finding a well balanced lose soil and adding perlite for aeration.