To check their work, have students sound out the words using Spanish phonics with a partner, then “translate” for them by showing a photo of each word. The Spanish and English alphabets are almost identical, with just a few exceptions. Younger students and anyone who wants to learn about a foreign language will have the chance to read the different letters and how they are pronounced as they get to know the Spanish alphabet. Learning to speak a new language is exciting; learning to write a new language is even more exciting! Many words start with the S, but there is not a single word that starts with an S followed by a consonant. the fundamental building blocks of any language, keep them interested instead of intimidated, In 2010, the Royal Academy made changes to the official Spanish alphabet, Hugo Chavez’s refusal to accept the Royal Academy’s mandate, using the Spanish vowels without English interference, creative writing unit in the target language, signing yourself up for a FluentU Pro account, download the FluentU app from the iTunes store, 14 Fascinating Topics for Getting Spanish Classes into Deep Conversations, The Quick and Easy Guide to Teaching with Spanish Songs, Win at Life: 5 Fun Spanish Vocabulary Games for the Classroom, How to Teach Spanish Prepositions with Cartoons, 5 Writing Projects for Spanish Class to Get Students’ Brain Juice Flowing, 5 Terrific Songs for Teaching Varieties of Spanish Through Music. Thank you for hosting, Kacey! El Alfabeto Y Las Sílabas PowerPoint (elementary/middle school) a Spanish word for every letter of the alphabet. The Spanish Alphabet PowerPoint (elementary) to teach the alphabet for the first time. Have your students write and pronounce the alphabet, letter by letter. The middle column contains the letter names, or how you would pronounce them when saying the alphabet. This doesn’t really help us to figure out if a word is spelled with a B or V, so it really comes down to memorizing the which words use a B and which use a V. However, there are many words that use a V in Spanish that also are spelled with a V in English. So, What Makes the Spanish Alphabet So Easy? Syllable division of each word. Add to Playlist 7 playlists. Divide the class into two or three teams, allowing each team a turn to guess a letter in the puzzle you write on the board—it works best when you write a whole phrase or sentence in Spanish, with one blank for each letter required. The academic in charged of these changes is The Royal Spanish … STEP 1: Listen and repeat! If needed, have volunteers make corrections as you reiterate the words very slowly—especially for vowels and diphthongs! Spanish alphabet. A few letters have multiple names. and creating lesson plans with videos. You can either use these words to practice each letter, or you can look up pictures of each object and practice saying the word and the corresponding letter in Spanish. Just be sure that students keep the words a secret as they figure them out! The alphabet is one of the fundamental building blocks of any language, and teaching it to your students can be a blast! Learn the Spanish alphabet with more than 100 examples and pronunciation. Game Points. Chinese writing is notoriously difficult to master. Using Spanish alphabet flashcards can be a great way to learn the Spanish alphabet and never forget it. "Alphabet" is el alfabeto in Spanish, but you can also say el abecedario which is a word made up of the first three letters of the alphabet (like saying "ABCs"). Learn how to say the letters and sounds in Spanish - YouTube Correct Spanish pronunciation begins with the Spanish alphabet. Spanish alphabet. If you would like to hear exactly how these letters are pronounced and practice them with a real teacher, try a free class with the Homeschool Spanish Academy! In 2010, the Royal Spanish Academy officially removed two letters (ch and ll) from the alphabet, making it 27 letters instead of 29.Fortunately for English speakers, the official Spanish alphabet now only has the one additional letter that does not appear in the English alphabet: ñ. I absolutely love languages and am always learning a new one. Who made those changes in the Spanish Alphabet? These letters also represent different sounds in that language. The only exception to this is when the U is used as a helping vowel. The image above shows the traditional Spanish alphabet which consisted of 30 letters. This app contain all Spanish alphabet , exactly 27 letter , it help strangers students in Spain universities , for learning and speaking the alphabet and the pronunciation . If you ever want to read or write letters, poems or text messages in Spanish, among all sorts of other written messages (spoiler: you do), the Spanish alphabet is your blueprint for success as you learn Spanish . It uses a Latin script, the same used by speakers and writers of … After naming all the letters, work your way through the alphabet again, this time naming each letter and then making its sound immediately afterward. After all your basic drills and receptive language dictation activities, it’s time to get your students speaking and spelling! As previously mentioned, the LL was once considered its own letter because of the unique pronunciation. The Y is a versatile letter with multiple pronunciations depending on its placement in a word. In English, we are accustomed to a clear distinction between the B and V, but these letters are pronounced exactly the same in Spanish. 0. I can’t believe I took so long to cotton on to that one. It is quite simple to remember and really important to master it for spelling purposes. At the top of this page, we have a tool for learning the Spanish alphabet in order. It's a basic and standard set of letters used when writing. It will take them several seconds per letter to figure out what to write. The infamous Spanish R! To review, there are four consonants in the Spanish alphabet which do not exist in the English alphabet: CH, LL, Ñ, and RR. New Spanish Alphabet Click to start or stop alphabet. Amazon and the Amazon logo are trademarks of, Inc, or its affiliates. Practice all the vowels together with these words: The Spanish D is a deceivingly tricky letter to master. LEARN SPANISH: alphabet , letters, all the reading rules and exceptions as no other app has taught you before. Now that you know some basic things about the Spanish alphabet, let's talk about some websites where you can learn … I am a happy wife and mom to an adorable baby boy. Use FluentU on the website with your computer or tablet or, better yet, download the FluentU app from the iTunes store or Google Play store. It is important to note that there are two different ways to pronounce the R: a soft roll and a hard roll. To break up the drills, spend some time asking students to compare and contrast the English and Spanish alphabet. So, dig into these tips and advice for learning how to master the Spanish alphabet easily - at SpanishPod101 we make it easy, fun and relevant for you! Add to favorites 26 favs. If you started learning Spanish a while ago, or you have an older textbook, you’ll have seen talk of 29 letters including ch and ll; these are longer considered individual letters by the Royal Spanish Academy. The traditional Spanish alphabet consisted of 30 letters, it was just like the English alphabet, with the addition of four letters; ch, ll,ñ, and rr. Pronunciation in Spanish is straightforward and spelling is consistent, with only a few rules to remember. Even when there are vowel combinations, the vowels are clearly heard. It's pretty easy to speak Spanish as it's phonetic. If you already love the idea of teaching with bite-sized snippets of authentic Spanish content, another option is to use FluentU. Jun 12, 2020 - Explore Sean McNeil's board "Spanish Alphabet" on Pinterest. Spanish used to have 30 letters until 3 of them were removed(Ch, ll, and rr). A spelling bee can also make a good introductory lesson for a creative writing unit in the target language, because it signals that you’re here to make writing fun. Once you’ve taught your students the Spanish alphabet and have practiced with these fun games, don’t forget to revisit the topic throughout the year! When a word starts with an X, instead of making a Z sound like in English, it makes an S sound. © 2020 Enux Education Limited. The Spanish V has the same pronunciation as the B, and as such is often called by the same name: bay. Elizabeth Trach taught Spanish for eight years in a public elementary school in Brookline, Massachusetts, where she co-authored the district’s original K-5 Spanish curriculum. or pass. Terms & Conditions Privacy Policy Contact UsSitemap© 2019 HSA. In Spanish, they call it the abecedario. The soft roll is only used in the middle of a word with a single R. The hard roll is used every other time: when a single R is at the beginning or end of a word, or a RR is used in the middle. This means that dictionaries and alphabetizing systems are different now, even though pronunciation and spelling remain the same. You need to get 100% to score the 30 points available. The Spanish alphabet includes all of the letters in the English alphabet but it adds ñ (eh-nyeh), and sometimes the double letters ch (cheh), ll (ye), and rr (a trilled r) are treated as one letter. Watch this video tutorial to learn how to pronounce the Spanish alphabet, For Dummies. In this lesson, you will learn about the Spanish alphabet.∗∗∗Note: To view this video please use Internet Explorer or Firefox as your web browser. If you liked this post, something tells me that you'll love FluentU, the best way to teach Spanish with real-world videos. It’s often their first taste of their new language, so it’s important to keep them interested instead of intimidated. ; Complete Spanish Alphabet: A list of all the Spanish letters with pronunciation examples, the "name" of the letters, and a comparison to the pronunciation of English letters. After reviewing the alphabet letters and sounds (in Spanish, or course! These are important to learn … Using Spanish alphabet flashcards can be a great way to learn the Spanish alphabet and never forget it. You can also consider making it a team effort to take some of the pressure off. Getting Spanish down can feel intimidating to some, but it is doable if you can commit the time and effort. Get instant access to all the spelling rules and exceptions. You can run your spelling bee in the classic style, having students line up and compete individually for the top spot. FluentU is a participant in the Amazon Services LLC Associates Program, an affiliate advertising program designed to provide a means for sites to earn advertising fees by advertising and linking to The Spanish Alphabet looks very similar to English, but there are important differences in pronunciation as well as one additional character that we don't have in English. First, let’s get familiar with the Spanish alphabet: Make a positive impact? With some low-stakes oral spelling out of the way, it’s time to switch up the dictation exercise by having students spell out unfamiliar Spanish words. Advertisement. That word’s definition, pronunciation and in-context usage examples will all pop up on-screen instantly. If a student comes across a word they’re unfamiliar with, they can hover their cursor over the subtitled word. This oral drill is worth repeating a few times as well. Learn Spanish Alphabet. The spanish alphabet has five vowels: a, e, i ,o, and u, all with the short English vowel sound, never long. On this page you will find the Spanish alphabet with authentic Spanish audio files for you to practice your pronunciation. In Spain oo-bay is used for v, but in Latin America most varieties just use bay and an adjective, such as chica (Mexico and Peru) or corta (Argentina and Chile). Another drill worth repeating? Language learners need lots of repetition to achieve fluency, but review doesn’t have to be boring. Due to the confusion between the two letters, many people say “bay de vaca” (V) or “bay de bebe” (B) to differentiate between the two. Learn about the basics of the Spanish alphabet with this handy worksheet reference. Learn about the basics of the Spanish alphabet with this handy worksheet reference. There’s nothing quite like a good, old-fashioned spelling bee to review vocabulary and the alphabet before a unit test or midterm exam! The best way to practice the alphabet and spelling is to get lots of practice actually hearing and then writing in Spanish. For example, instead of pronouncing jaguar “jag-war” like in English, it is pronounced “hag-war.” Many of the J words are English-Spanish cognates, so you may be tempted to pronounce the words with an English pronunciation at first glance. ¡Puedo hablar Español! Still, when you (or your little one!) Try calling them out to the whole class and having members of each pair take turns spelling one aloud to a partner—writing them down first is okay, too! The Spanish vowels are straightforward. Premium. Nowadays, In the Spanish Alphabet currently there are 29 letters. In 2010, the Royal Spanish Academy officially removed two letters (ch and ll) from the alphabet, making it 27 letters instead of 29.Fortunately for English speakers, the official Spanish alphabet now only has the one additional letter that does not appear in the English alphabet: ñ. While a single L is pronounced like the English L, a double L is pronounced like a Y, SH, or J, depending on the location. How can video clips aid Spanish teachers in class? I have lived in Latin America for 6 years now, and I have worked as an ESL teacher, translator, and missionary during that time. Find out more about her work and get in touch at The Blogwright. Prepare Students for Proper Learning. Each team gets their own gallows; add a head, body, etc. Starting with the way you teach the alphabet, you can begin to dispel some darkness. and having students spell them out loud, naming the letters as you point to them. Some texts also exclude W and K, which are only used for foreign words in Spanish. That character is "ñ" and it makes a "ny" sound. Try our method for teaching the Spanish alphabet to move beyond basic memorization and head right into some alphabet fun! Example of a Spanish alphabet flashcard A (a) ¡suerte! I am linking up with Doodle Bugs Teaching for Five for Friday with 5 fun ways to help kids learn the Spanish alphabet. How to Teach the Spanish Alphabet as Easy as A, B, C, Ch! The third column represents how to pronounce the letters in words. See more ideas about spanish alphabet, learning spanish, spanish. When you learn Chinese, it can seem the most exotic and impenetrable of languages and that’s largely due to the Chinese alphabet.The Chinese writing system may appear to the uninitiated as both beautiful and mysterious in equal measure. Because it can be pronounced like vowel I (ee), it was originally named the i griega (Greek I). Thus learning the Spanish alphabet is the key to being able to read the language. Print out some Spanish ABC coloring sheets, turn on the alphabet song in Spanish, or hang up letters and pictures of the correlating objects around the house to help you study. When I am conversing with a native Spanish speaker on my road trip and they use a word I don’t understand, I … Prepare Students for Proper Learning. Wishing good luck to all teachers and parents today! The key to mastering some of the tricky pronunciations, keep a list of words handy and practice them whenever possible. Of course if practicing does not cut it for you and you are still facing a lot of difficulty in learning the Spanish alphabet, then you might want to get an elementary Spanish teacher to help you out. You’ll have to decide for yourself how to approach the change in your classroom. The alphabet has four more characters than in the english alphabet: ch, ll, ñ, rr. A brief introduction to the Spanish Alphabet: Vowels and Consonants. Both the English and Spanish alphabets are derived from Latin script, so they share almost the exact same letters. However, keep in mind that the J is soft! Total Points. That’s one of the reasons why the Spanish alphabet is so logical and consistent to this day. Want to work from home? We make it easy to learn at your own pace. Save my name, email, and website in this browser for the next time I comment. This means that once you memorize the sounds of different letters in the alphabet, you can easily read any word. If you started learning Spanish a while ago, or you have an older textbook, you’ll have seen talk of 29 letters including ch and ll; these are longer considered individual letters by the Royal Spanish Academy.. Dictation can be a fun way to sneak in some holiday vocabulary that’s not officially part of your curriculum, or you can use it to introduce new vocabulary words—it inspires way more active learning than just handing out a list of words to study! New Spanish Alphabet Click to start or stop alphabet. Today 's Points. Do you want to learn the Spanish alphabet? Grammar. This is especially useful with the Spanish R, as mastering the tongue roll takes lots of practice. If the word has that combination, it is always preceded by an E. For example: The V is one of the most confusing letters in the Spanish alphabet, especially for native speakers.