Despite what the name suggests this plant is neither a begonia or a strawberry plant. It prefers moist soil. A common houseplant, African violets can rot when placed in highly humid conditions. The 6 Plants These Plant Influencers Really (Really!) Artillery ferns are not actually ferns at all but are members of the Pilea family. Large ferns are a great way to add interest to a patio or balcony. Subscribe to our newsletter to receive regular updates. The plant produces a distinctive black stem that contrasts pleasingly with their bright green foliage. Baby tears is a small plant with a lot of common names. Lemon button fern (Nephrolepis cordifolia) is an ideal choice. Fully grown the plant can reach 8 inches in height and, if not contained a spread of over 12 inches. This allows them to propagate easily. Excellent for stuffed topiary and terrariums. Artillery Fern (P. microphylla) Artillery ferns are not actually ferns at all but are members of the … Which Plants are Best Suited to a Closed Terrarium? An attractive variety, the foliage of the plant is covered in soft hairs, adding to its intrigue. Water when top half of soil is dry (these guys can be susceptible to root rot, so don't overwater!) Creeping Fig (Ficus pumila) The creeping fig (Ficus pumila) is a small ficus (also known as a fig plant) that hails from tropical East Asia and thrives in warm, moist environments. Ideal closed terrarium plants are suited to the micro-climate that sealed terrariums create. Finally friendship plant, Pilea involucrata, is another reliable choice for those seeking closed terrarium plants. Native to China and Japan, Ficus pumila is a versatile species that’s capable of climbing just about any surface it can find. This makes them ideal closed terrarium plants. However it does share many of mosses characteristics. The attractive foliage of the plant is further enhanced by its burgundy undersides. Formally known as Fittonia, this plant is sometimes called painted net leaf or mosaic plant. The heart-shaped leaves have a glossy appearance and bumpy texture. Its roots are very aggressive. Allowing the runners to contact the soil encourages the plant to spread, acting as ground cover. They also don’t grow roots. If you are particularly taken with the variety of moss on offer you can even fill a terrarium entirely with different types of moss. The several small varieties of ferns that are available are all ideal closed terrarium plants. You should aim to select plants that thrive in these conditions. Don’t try to fit lots or large plants into a small glass jar with a lid. They are also a great way to add structure to a planting scheme. Baby’s tears thrive in moist, warm conditions. This genus is also suitable for living walls. More clumping than vining in habit, this is the choice for the sophisticated terrarium or living topiary. An ideal ground cover option ivy provides a nice complement to more exotic closed terrarium plants. Similar in growth habit to the typical creeping fig but this one has tiny leaves that take the form of an oak leaf. Simply take a small cutting and plant it in moist soil. This means that they don’t take up too much vertical space and often thrive when overshadowed by the foliage of other plants. Combining different combinations and varieties helps to add color, structure and interest to your closed terrarium. Obviously if you have a large container, you can choose slightly larger varieties. The curse may be referring to the fact that, given the right conditions, baby's tears can be seriously invasive, taking over whole gardens. Protect from freezing temperatures! An ideal choice for a smaller closed terrarium, the plant’s compact growth habit means that it rarely exceeds 6 inches in height. Similar in appearance to ferns, spike moss can carpet the bottom of your terrarium with its feathery foliage. Like other species that naturally thrive on the floor of the rainforest, peperomia tolerates a variety of lighting conditions, from bright indirect light to full shade. Creeping Fig (Ficus pumila) Often used instead of ivy as a cover-up, this fast growing, trailing fig has inch-long leaves. For larger varieties, regular pruning or pinching out helps to keep the ferns neat and their growth habit in check. Along its vining stems masses or heart-shaped foliage emerge. Fully mature watermelon peperomia reaches 8 inches in height. The foliage is marked with contrasting silver stripes that run along the veins of the leaf. It can be grown to provide dense ground cover or trained as a climbing vine. While these are ideal for open terrariums they are not good closed terrarium plants. Harvested plantlets can be potted on to provide you with more spider plants if you so desire. Dark Mystery pilea is an attractive species that produces elongated, chocolate-brown colored leaves. The colorful little nerve plant grows wild on the floors of tropical rainforests in Colombia and Peru. Moss is a non-vascular plant. Like other orchid varieties, they are also pleasingly easy to care for. The majority of varieties won’t exceed 12 inches in height.. It is considered crown jewel of the "Creeping Fig" cultivars. Avoid placing baby’s tears in overly bright positions, they do best in medium or bright indirect light. Be warned, baby’s tears is not only a fast growing plant it is also able to reproduce asexually. The foliage of creeping fig may seem small and fragile but it is pleasingly robust. The plants you choose should also share similar light and moisture requirements. However there are plenty of other options if you want to add interest to your space. As well as a solid green color, some cultivars of creeping fig come in variegated colors. I have had this Creeping Fig (Ficus pumilia) in my terrarium, but it has almost completely taken over. Although it is a profuse grower, it is easily pruned to keep under control. Alternatively you can pinch out the growth, encouraging a bushier growth habit. This makes creeping fig one of the best choices to add interest to a closed terrarium. This is a particularly slow growing variety. Here are our suggestions for the best closed terrarium plants. A smaller version of the classic spider plant. Thriving in warm and moist conditions, this plant prefers medium or bright indirect light. One of the most common types of peperomia is the emerald ripple peperomia (Peperomia Caperata). Doing best in full or partial shade, like ferns, spike moss commonly grows on the damp rainforest floors. Be sure to buy plants that are small enough to fit into your terrarium jar, preferably without touching the sides. This versatility means it is one of the easiest to care for closed terrarium plants. They also easily propagate so need to be regularly pruned. The plants that are used in open terrariums usually need more air circulation and sunlight but do not require a moist environment. Spider Plant: Chlorophytum comosum is one of the easiest houseplants to grow. Pilea involucrata or Moon valley pilea is so called because the texture of the foliage is thought to resemble the surface of the moon. However, as the name suggests, the plant’s foliage is patterned with silver, watermelon like stripes and bright red stems. Prefers a warm, humid environment with bright indirect light. If you don’t have the space for a container garden a houseplant collection or a terrarium is a great solution. The cultivars Curly and Dorty are both slower to grow than other varieties. Also known as the baby rubber plant, the foliage of this variety can feel thick or leathery like a rubber plant. It is … Their foliage will also lack the distinctive dappled patternation. Their fast growth habit means that you will need to regularly prune the plant to prevent it from dominating a space. Another good choice is the dainty Venus hair fern or southern maidenhair fern (Adiantum capillus-veneris). quercifolia. Just make sure that you don’t overwater. One of the most interesting varieties is Pilea cadierei, more commonly known as the aluminium plant. Watermelon peperomia, Peperomia argyreia, also produces oval-shaped leaves. The leaves have almost iridescent white markings that really make it shine. It is also easy to propagate by rooting the stems in water. This makes them one of the most popular closed terrarium plants. This is because African violets are ideally suited to the moist soil and heat that a closed terrarium provides. Despite that explosive trait, these plants are delicate and have a lovely, interesting texture. The aluminum plant, a native of Vietnam, likes low to medium light and warm temperatures. Both names refer to the rich green foliage of the plant which is decorated with rich red or pink veins. The aluminum plant is easy to root as well. If you are lucky, these flowers would add a nice color pop to your terrarium. Crotons can really add bling to your terrariums. If you fail to keep a plant’s growth habit under control it will quickly spread, smothering other plants and completely dominating the space. The starfish plant is another favorite of mine. Well suited to warm, humid environments, these are an attractive closed terrarium plant. A selection of moss. A comparatively small plant with a desire for humidity, pileas can be difficult to care for. Peperomias originate in the tropical and subtropical regions of Central and South America. If it doesn’t get enough light the polka dot plant may become leggy. As well as controlling the spread of the plant this encourages it to become bushier and more compact. Creeping Fig (Ficus pumila) This creeping fig is ideal for enclosed terrariums because it loves warm, moist conditions and has small leaves. Making your own terrarium can be incredibly satisfying. The prayer plant got its name because it folds up its leaves at night, as if in prayer. What is the Average Roof Replacement Cost? The smallest available variety of Boston fern, the plant produces attractive arching stems and small, round leaflets. 99 Added to Cart Failed to add an item to cart. Coming in a range of colors there is plenty to choose from if you want to add a bit of color to your terrarium. One of the most reliable closed terrarium plants, peperomia is a compact plant. Despite this explosive habit, artillery ferns are a delicate plant with an interesting texture. More clumping than vining in habit, this is the choice for the sophisticated terrarium or living topiary. Introducing "One Thing": A New Video Series, Polka Dot Plant (Hypoestes phyllostachya). The gold dust croton, for instance, is one of the narrow-leaved varieties that will have various amounts of gold, depending on the cultivar. A small, clean pair of garden scissors is ideal. Originating in the tropical areas of East Asia, creeping fig is a small plant that thrives in moist, warm conditions. A slightly larger variety than the emerald ripple peperomia, this variety produces attractive oval-shaped foliage. This plant is ideal for closed terrariums but the majority, with a little care, also grow in more open situations or as houseplants. May 21, 2015 - The creeping fig is also known as the climbing fig which is primarily grown outdoors as a climbing vine. With such a range of plants and varieties on offer choosing your a plant for your terrarium can be difficult. The fascinating foliage of the peperomia thrives in humid conditions. This Oak Leaf Creeping Fig has been growing for quite awhile, however you can see how much it fills in the background. Be warned, ivy is considered invasive in some parts of the USA. The range of plants currently available can make choosing closed terrarium plants a confusing process. An attractive, moss like plant, spike moss is one of the best options for providing ground cover. However small or miniature versions are ideal for sealed terrariums. Moisten the potting soil lightly before planting, then mist after planting to settle the soil. This makes spike moss one of the most reliable closed terrarium plants for providing ground cover. Buy It: Potted 2.5-inch, $4.99, Josh's Frogs The attractive foliage of the plant brings both color and interest to a space. Instead it is a member of the Pilea family. A bushy plant with an attractive trailing habit, its green and deep bronze leaves are an attractive way to fill a space. Hate, How to Grow and Care for Chinese Money Plant, 25 Recommended Air Plants to Grow Indoors, The Best Air-Purifying Plants According to Feng Shui. This helps to bring structure and drama to a closed terrarium. It is also a low maintenance plant making it ideal for sealed terrariums. Preferring bright indirect light, spider plants also grow in low light positions, just make sure that the soil doesn’t completely dry out. Very easy to grow. You will find it easy to grow and it should thrive with minimal care. Spider plants thrive in low light positions. Easy to care for, it might need to be pinched back if it gets too tall or starts to get spindly or leggy. I decided it needed a separate pot. Common or English ivy (Hedera helix) may not seem like the most obvious of closed terrarium plants. Ficus pumila var. Hailing from New Zealand, it's hardy and drought tolerant. This … Starfish Plant. Succulents struggle in these conditions. Creeping Fig like bright, indirect light best, but can survive in low light areas as well. Despite this they are also ideal closed terrarium plants. A smaller variety is the dwarf cultivar, Minima. You can easily propagate creeping fig by rooting a branch-cutting in water. A member of the Urticaceae family, baby’s tears thrive in warm, moist positions. The plant is a close cousin to fiddle leaf fig (Ficus lyarata), weeping fig (Ficus benjamina), and even the edible fig (Ficus carica). Here they can be commonly seen growing epiphytically on rotting wood. You’re ready to add small plants such as miniature African violets, baby tears, ivy, pothos, or creeping fig (never mix cacti or succulents with houseplants in your DIY fish tank aquarium). Creeping Fig: A dwarf variety of this tree-like plant can look like a tiny forest inside your terrarium. For something more interesting the cultivar Bellus produces foliage with a white edge. This prevents water from running down the sides of the terrarium and settling on the fuzzy foliage. Many lists of terrarium plants will suggest including cacti or succulents. Luckily for you, this guide is on hand to help. This makes them ideal for a confined space. Happiest in humid, low light positions, this is an ideal closed terrarium plant. There is something about a small button fern that is terrifically appealing. Description Creeping vine with small round green leaves. While succulents are best avoided, there are still plenty of options to choose from. The foliage of creeping fig may seem small and fragile but it is pleasingly robust. A low maintenance plant, ivy thrives in moist, warm conditions as long as it isn’t exposed to too much light. Miniature or slow growing ferns are ideal for confined spaces such as terrariums. Lemon button ferns do best in medium or bright filtered light positions. However they are also versatile, happily growing in a range of conditions including closed terrariums. If you want to create a completely low-maintenance closed terrarium select slow a growing plant or miniature variety. As an Amazon Associate we earn from qualifying purchases. However, miniature versions are ideal for growing in a contained environment. 1 / 12 An ideal choice to bring both color and texture to a sealed terrarium it rarely exceeds 6 inches in height. Thriving in warm temperatures, humid spaces and full shade positions both dwarf and compact varieties are ideal closed terrarium plants. Also known as mother of thousands, angel’s tears and Corsican creeper the delicate, yellow or green foliage helps to brighten sealed terrariums. If it is not getting enough light, you will know because the leaves will stay folded even during the daytime. If you want a flower that will last for months, the phalaenopsis orchid is a great choice. The variety tricolor produces foliage with a cream colored edge. Miniature varieties will easily fit into a small terrarium. Variegated Creeping Fig is perfect in hanging baskets and vivaria. Where helpful to the reader, some posts may contain links to products. Regular pruning helps to keep the plant’s growth habit in check. MAKE A LAYER OF SPHAGNUM MOSS. I wanted the Creeping Fig to blanket the bottom of the terrarium and it did. It is not well known as a terrarium plant but works particularly well when grown in open-jar terrariums. Many species of Pileas are commonly cultivated as houseplants. Its shiny, thick leaves come in a huge array of amazing colors and shapes. … This plant produces emerald green heart shaped foliage with deep and attractive ripples . Sphagnum moss is a reliable sealed terrarium plant choice, as is spoon moss, hair cap moss, sheet moss and cushion moss. Growing Arugula Plant- Detailed Care Guide. Artillery fern is not actually a fern. Select slow growing varieties that won’t exceed more than 12 inches in height when fully mature. A member of the Urticaceae (nettle) family, this is a tropical plant. If you want to add color to your closed terrarium try including a polka dot plant (Hypoestes phyllostachya). The plant’s fascinating foliage comes in a range of variegated colors and patterns. The elegant foliage of the plant can look really effective when set against other closed terrarium plants. Just make sure that they are kept away from the edge to prevent moisture from settling on their foliage. It is often used as an alternative to English ivy. Open Terrarium – Open terrariums are generally in an open-air container. In a closed terrarium the artificial micro-environment is constantly humid and moist. This variety originates in the jungles of Vietnam and produces deep green, toothed foliage which is decorated with raised metallic silver patches. An attractive plant that produces green foliage with pink, red, purple or white spots. This means that you will need to regularly tend the plant to prevent it from taking over. Prayer plants like to be warm, so do not keep your terrarium next to a cold window or in a chilly draft. Golden pothos has a well-deserved reputation as a bulletproof, indestructible houseplant, and that it is even truer in the controlled environment of a terrarium. Not only is the individual leaf considerably smaller than the normal Creeping Fig, but each dimpled leaf is deeply lobed as if was a tiny oak leaf. . Fast, rampant grower, easily pruned to desired size. Originating in the Mediterranean, baby’s tears (Soleirolia soleirolii) is a reliable ground cover option. Easy to care for, as long as it is humid, this is another plant that produces plantlets on the ends of their stems. Also known as Devil’s Ivy, Golden Pothos is a vining plant that thrives in warm, humid conditions. Instead moss absorbs water through its foliage. If planted in a smaller container you will need to regularly prune or pinch out the plant to prevent it from completely taking over. The key to healthy growth is to provide as much warm, humid air as possible, plenty of even moisture, and bright light but not direct sunlight. However this need for humidity also makes them ideal closed terrarium plants. It grows as dense ground cover or as a climbing vine, having aerial roots that secrete a latex glue that allows the plant to cling to its supports. There are about 1,000 peperomia cultivars. Oak Leaf Creeping Fig - Previously sold under the name Ficus pumila var. Coming in a range of colors, textures and patterns these are pleasingly durable despite their small stature. Pileas thrive in a range of lighting conditions, just make sure the environment is humid. Artillery ferns are so called because they have a surprising habit of shooting their seeds with a popping sound, like mini artillery guns. This fast-growing plant can easily take over a terrarium and should be pruned and trimmed back … Similar to golden pothos, the polka dot plant has a vigorous growth habit. Other cultivars, such as silver threads, produce green foliage with silver veining. Despite the name spike moss (Selaginella) is not actually a moss. Moss, or Bryophytes, are popular closed terrarium plants. Peperomia also sometimes produces cool-looking flower spikes. Just make sure that, when planting, you center the plant so that it doesn’t touch the glass. We recommend fittonia (nerve plants), variegated spider ferns, aquamarine plant, creeping fig, rabits foot ferns and birds nest ferns. More clumping than vining in habit, this is the choice for the sophisticated terrarium or living topiary. Bun moss is brilliant for creating mini hills in your terrarium and s heet moss is good for flat planes or hillsides. Peperomias come in a range of colors, shapes and sizes. Ficus pumila 'Creeping Fig' is a great plant for container gardens or terrariums. house plants – Creeping Fig – images : Very hardy plant and can easily establish itself in a terrarium – growing quite quickly. Minimum Terrarium Size:~10 Gal. As well as being appropriate for the growing conditions, the suggestions on this list are also commonly available and easy to care for. Creeping figs will tolerate some shade and/or indirect light. And it's highly unlikely your indoor plant will ever bloom or yield fruit. If you decide to place moss in your terrarium remember that moss requires almost constant contact with moisture in order to thrive. Very easy to grow. Here are 12 tips for making a successful DIY terrarium. Thriving in warm, moist conditions this variety do best in full shade or filtered sunlight positions. Some may be affiliate links, meaning we earn commissions on purchases. It is considered crown jewel of … Just make sure it is in a dark position. It is slightly mop-headed, but also kind of delicate and elegant at the same time. Another fern suitable for a closed terrarium is maidenhair fern or Adiantum. Name: Asplenium bulbiferum. This means that you will need to regularly pinch out new growth. The variegatum cultivar produces green foliage with white bands. However, it's worth noting that even very healthy and well-cared-for plants will likely only last a few years in their potsultimately their root structures are designed for aggressive and spreading growth. Learn tips for creating your most beautiful (and bountiful) garden ever. The diffused light inside a terrarium is perfect for this plant, also known as mother fern, as well as other shade lovers, including Fittonia, creeping fig, dwarf coleus, and dwarf orchids. Some type of Fittonia It is also pleasingly easy to care. These 10 plants are ideal for your terrarium garden. Mini Oakleaf Creeping Fig - Ficus quercifolia -Terrarium/Fairy Garden - 2.5" Pot 4.6 out of 5 stars 8 $6.99 $ 6 . These plants are grown as topiaries so we know that they would be great cascaders. While many plants are suitable for growing in open terrariums, a closed terrarium plant must be able to cope with a specific environment. While golden pothos vine may look pedestrian as a houseplant, it can look fabulous in a terrarium. If you want to keep your Ficus pu… Kerry Michaels is a writer and photographer with several years specializing in gardening and landscape design. Their delicate flowers can also add exotic interest and color to your collection. This makes them the ideal choice to add interest to your closed terrarium. It is considered crown jewel of the "Creeping Fig" cultivars. This makes creeping fig one of the best choices to add interest to a closed terrarium. Exposing the plant to lots of bright indirect light enhances the foliage’s rich green color. Creeping fig is a delightful little houseplant. Additionally your closed terrarium plants should be largely self-sufficient. Just remember to clean them after cutting every use. However cream and white marbled varieties are also available. Pileas low, mounding growth habit makes it a great choice for a sealed terrarium. This is because, while succulents like moisture, they also like the soil to dry out between waterings. In a closed terrarium, plants almost never need water and will grow happily for years with minimal care. Examples: Ficus pumila (Creeping Fig) – See on Etsy; Ficus punctata ‘Panama’ (Lance-leaf Fig… Despite its dainty appearance this is a hardy plant that can be quick to establish itself and grow. A vining plant, ivy is a great ground cover option. The terrarium plants listed here are so easy to grow that even a complete novice can have success. Next you’ll want to add a layer of sphagnum moss. Terrariums not only allow you to control the growing environment, but you can customize them with fun figurines and decorative landscaping. The plant is also called angel's tears, mind-your-own-business, peace-in-the-home, Pollyanna vine, mother of thousands, and the Corsican's curse. Gardening is known to be a great way to improve your mental health. Polka dot plants seem to have a great sense of humor. Another reliable sealed terrarium plant is Peperomia obtusifolia, the oval leaf peperomia. Creeping Figs Are Great Cascaders . In particular its love of moisture. It’s also one of the smallest members of the ficus family. It is a perennial climbing vine, so you can train it to creep up structures, which could be interesting to try in a large terrarium. Fast and easy grower. They are called artillery ferns because it shoots its seeds with a popping sound—and sometimes quite a distance. Orchid is a profuse grower, it might need to regularly tend the can... Green enough, try a terrarium, plants almost never need water and will grow faster in a range variegated. Dry ( these guys can be difficult clean them after cutting every use, this guide is on hand help... Is slightly mop-headed, but it has almost completely taken over t get enough light, you can fill. Options by identifying only the plants that are available are all ideal closed terrarium plants leaf peperomia moderate to.... The choice for the best closed terrarium plants feet tall and 4 feet wide to... Yield fruit growth habit t exposed to too much light a lid it. 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