This formula was created for re-potting, and it even reduces the chance of shock. A few roots protrude from the top of the pot. how fluffy each strand is, and how much debris is packaged in with the moss. Orchids like to be drenched in the sink and then not watered till they are DRY… Unlike normal house plants that like water all the time. Oncidiums do well in sphagnum moss, but ONLY the long fibered New Zealand moss. Much of the sphagnum moss and sphagnum peat moss we see here in nurseries and big box stores comes from Canada. Sphagnum moss is preferred, used for growing orchids. It is so easy to tell when they need to be watered because when the moss gets dry it gets “crunchy.” What I mean by “crunchy” is that, to the touch, they actually make a crunch noise …. In the middle of major house renovations and my sa, Another good leaf falling off a very healthy Phal, This error message is only visible to WordPress admins, Sphagnum Moss for Orchid Plant Soil, air layering the plants for propogation , making moss stick for climbers like money plant and mulching on topsoil to provide moisture and save water. I grow my orchids using sphagnum moss(dried) in a see through pot, and recently my moss starts turning green. I think this moss seems to be more for hanging baskets etc. Now they’ve both stopped ANYTHING. orchids! will retain a lot of moisture. Thanks, Place it such a way so that it is still growing in its natural direction.™, Select-A-Blend™, Classic Orchid Mix™, Imperial Orchid Mix™FEED ME!™, GET OFF ME!™, website design, website text, orchid gallery and all photos even though it clearly says Sphagnum Moss on it… I think to be honest since we don’t know how high quality it is I would either go with the one from repotme or use a bark mix that is specific to orchids. Put the second pot inside of the first pot (on top of the sphagnum moss). Sphagnum moss along with charcoal, peat, leca pebbles (sometimes called Hydro Clay pebbles), and Styrofoam peanuts are usually the most common potting mediums found for orchids. My First Orchid © 2018. However, many of the roots (on both) are dried up and brown like they are dead – some are even wire-looking (small diameter thin root about size of pencil lead). Sphagnum Moss . You can also combine one part osmunda bark with three parts of redwood for a quality potting mix. comparable though AAA New Zealand Sphagnum Moss is fluffier. It also helps the plant retain moisture. This choice moss is critical to reducing shock when re-potting seedlings such as Cattleyas, Phalaenopsis, Oncidiums and Dendrobiums. Madevallias, Draculas and smaller Maxillarias do well. It is very helpful to have sphagnum moss plus the right clear pots in order to solve this problem. View our privacy policy and terms of use. I found out because there weren’t enough roots to hold the orchid inside the pot and the plant fell out. It is harvested live from peat bogs (it's a sustainable resource) and tends to come in longer pieces; this is mostly due to better harvesting techniques. Dear experts, I am new to catts, but they seem to like my growing conditions and so they are sprouting. virtually all Phalaenopsis are grown in Sphagnum moss. Or would you suggest that I use the classic mosses on This mix was especially useful to me, as a beginner because it is so easy to use! In the Western Ghats of India, epiphytic orchids are found growing in abundance on trees covered with sphagnum moss. If it’s just the sides you can simple push the moss back from the side of the pot to give it some air. I’ve not fertilized any of them yet. Always wear rubber gloves when working with Sphagnum moss. Many orchids used as house plants are epiphytic, rather than terrestrial, meaning they don't grow in soil. Excerpts and links may be used, provided that full and clear credit is given to My First Orchid with appropriate and specific direction to the original content. I got another orchid for Mothers Day this year – it had 7 beautiful purple flowers fully opened. Many orchid species cannot live without well-oxygenated roots -- they grow outside of the soil in a state of nature. You can also use Physan 20 at a rate of a one tsp. More items to explore. We ve put together an easy guide to help you start growing orchids … *fingers crossed this baby survives* In other news, I rescued a Clearance Aisle mini Phal and was pleasantly surprised it has big juicy roots! I got two beautiful orchid plants last year with blooms on both. 16 qt pressure cooker and 4 bags of Better Gro sphagnum moss (if you can get NZ sphagnum, even better) Growing Phals in moss is perfectly fine if you follow a few simple guidelines. Also, the sphagnum moss that used as orchid moss has a fluffy structure. While growing Terrestrial orchids, always go for a denser mix. Let me know what you think! Views: 66, Replies: 6 » Jump to the end. The bag of orchid bark also has the same kind of stuff growing in it – it’s kind of yellow and white (I willl discard). You can always send me pics at – in the mean time are they potted in one singular pot with drainage holes? As we have discussed above, sphagnum moss is very absorbent and will quickly strip your orchid of the water it so desperately needs. I use a sphagnum mix that also includes other things like bark etc. Pack moist sphagnum moss around the orchid’s roots. Hi Hannah, It was just repotted into it last week, and when I took it out last night, the roots are all dry, gray, and slightly brittle. You’ve given me alot of information with the other blogs that you posted. But here is where the quality of the moss really comes in to Log in as an administrator and view the Instagram Feed settings page for more details. I then add sphagnum moss on top. Therefore it allows the air to reach the orchid aerial roots. I cut off all the crumbly ones and repotted in damp sphagnum. This reduces transplant shock while the orchid gets established on the mount. This is one that I have found at Home Depot. Two do my oldest Phalaenopsis orchids. Orchids are. Once a week I water and the excess drains out, but I can see mold or fungus starting to grown in the bark through the holes in the lower part of the pot. Or, am I overwatering the pots? The air filled porosity of sphagnum moss (a measure of the void spaces in the potting mix) ranges from 15 to 26% under general conditions, comparable to bark and greater than peat moss. environments. The orchids that most of us grow are tropical plants. And in most places it’s hard to find premium moss so if this is the case go ahead and get orchid bark. Carefully remove all potting media from the orchid’s roots. Can you explain why it’s growing a spike? will not thrive as they could in a higher grade of moss as this moss compacts and quickly becomes sodden in all but the most arid Philodendrons, Elephant Ears, and Other Aroids forum: Growing indefinitely in sphagnum moss. It is an organic mix that contains sphagnum moss, which helps to reduce bacteria. Put the moist sphagnum moss in the bottom of the first pot and then put the orchid into the second pot. I wait till it feels almost bone dry. Sphagnum moss is absorbent – very absorbent. sphagnum moss on orchids when used as growing medium. When you buy most orchids they have bark on top which makes it hard to tell when they need to be watered. Also widely used in kokedama art for mossballs and terrariums. I’ve read your other blogs and it has given me a lot of information Be sure that it will cover the moss but not too heavy and dense. Sphagnum moss is a tiny plant which comes in a variety of colors (green, pink, and red) that thrives well on little soil with poor nutrient value. Squeeze the moss out by hand and then fluff it to expand the fibers. The quality of sphagnum moss is relative to the length of the strands, It comes on a rating scale; AAA grade is what you want to use for orchids. Oncidiums do well in sphagnum moss, but ONLY the long fibered New Zealand moss. I’ve read your other blogs and it has given me alot of informations I now use a mix of moss, bark and a bunch of other things. And this is my 1st time growing orchids so im quite inexperienced I’m just trying to cost effective Sand and sphagnum moss or coco peat works best. New posts will not be retrieved. You can also use Physan 20 at a rate of a one tsp. I hope u can help me understand the change or come up with a solution. You can also add peanut shells to the mixture, as it is going to allow good airflow. I grow my orchids using sphagnum moss(dried) in a see through pot, and recently my moss starts turning green. Choose the right growing medium for your type of orchid. Dendrobium unicum after a season of growing on the “moss mount” (October). Most orchids require moist, well-draining conditions. A mixture of all 3 works well. Does your orchid have drainage? How to Water Orchids in Moss . In the growing of orchids we are looking for top quality sphagnum moss with long, fluffy, open strands and good the moss dry, I soak the moss overnight in water and add ½ cup of hydrogen peroxide per gallon of water. This might seem like a silly question but has anyone ever grown plants in straight sphagnum moss without the intention of transferring it later into potting mix? Now it has 3 left and they’re withering away day by day. Should I repot and if so, would I be better off to go with the fancy AAA New Zealand Sphagnum Moss? I absolutely hate bark mixes. You don’t need to switch the mix – bark is just fine. New Zealand sphagnum moss is widely considered the best sphagnum to use in orchid potting mixes. I rinse the rocks in water to remove dirt and debris. I am don’t like spending a lot of money either but I do love how high quality the mix is at repotme. If I could feel them side by side I could probably tell you right away. This happens to me every so often. There are many qualities of sphagnum moss make it a good growing medium for that epiphytic orchids. I would enjoy it and see how it goes, Okay. CLASSIC GRADE 3kg Classic grade New Zealand Sphagnum Moss, perfect for all types of orders use it alone of mix with your regular compost to keep the compost moist, this will make 240lt ULTIMATE GRADE Ultimate AAAAA Grade of New Zealand Sphagnum Moss,this is the best grade of moss available, used by all the top growers in Japan for award winning orchids … The typical answer to whether sphagnum moss is good for an orchid is it depends. I don’t water until It’s dry dry and when I water it I put it in a bowl of water for 2 minutes then drain excess. I can send photos if that helps you to see what’s happening. Start with an easy orchid then learn the basics of growing orchids. If an orchid is potted in long-grain sphagnum moss or soilless mix, you can water until water runs out into the saucer below. Always wear rubber gloves when working with Sphagnum moss. I have three plants and since moving them to the pots with holes and watering once a week (every other week I use Miracle Gro Orchid Food) the leaves are strong and happy. I use sphagnum moss for my mini (phalaenopsis) orchids because they are in smaller pots and therefore need more frequent watering than ‘normal’ sized orchids. Sphagnum peat moss is the Tom at Stones River Orchids / Nashville, TN was at our OS meeting just back from Taiwan and he had lots of good information regarding Phals and media. Is this a normal thing for the moss to change into green? Peat moss or Sphagnum moss are high humidity, good water retention Growing medium. I assume the change is bad but I do not know much and that is why i would like to ask you about this change if it is normal or not. There are several types of growing media that can be used with orchid plants—redwood or fir bark, sphagnum peat moss, rocks, cork, charcoal, sand, potting soil, etc. Ideally, you should sow one square foot of sphagnum moss for every 10 feet of soil. The strange thing is that it is growing a spike. These types of orchids will die if you repot them in regular potting soil. It won't become soggy, though, which is why it's a popular choice. Snip off and discard any dead roots. It’s been a long time… Sphagnum moss comes from bogs and is harvested, compressed and imported for use in the floral industry. Ideally, you should sow one square foot of sphagnum moss for every 10 feet of soil. Orchid Growing Tips. If it’s just the sides you can simple push the moss back from the side of the pot to give it some air. A basic mix for growing orchids consists of coarse perlite, fir bark, and sphagnum This happens to me every so often. To improve the chances of growing successfully, top off the moss with a light mulch. Before I plant my orchids in glass containers, I use small rocks at the bottom of the container. I know when to water my orchids by touching the moss. I love all plants and orchids seem to be my hardest to grow. Home Depot sells an “Orchid Moss” which is a premium sphagnum designed for planting orchids. Its ability to absorb and retain water is unbeatable. Pluerothallis and their relatives do well also. Pure sphagnum moss as a potting medium … After a year and a half in a bark mix my first orchid lost about half of it’s roots. capillary action for moisture. For orchids we recommend AAA New Zealand Sphagnum Moss or 5 Star Chilean Sphagnum Moss only. like a dry sponge. Now it has one large leaf left, a growing baby leaf and three roots. Name: E PB (Zone 7b) emmapb Sep 23, 2020 7:54 PM CST. Smaller African species like Jumella and Angraecum do well. my orchids by touching the moss. Finally got some sphagnum moss last evening and repotted my orchid from the big box brand orchid bark mix. If it feels wet like a wet or damp sponge I know NOT to water it. I started getting into houseplants now. You want the first pot to have taller edges to allow for humidity to occur inside that pot area. I wait till it feels almost bone dry. In cooler climates and in cultivation in the home, sphagnum moss can present There is another medium that is becoming extremely popular, and that is growing the orchid … To improve the chances of growing successfully, top off the moss with a light mulch. Error: API requests are being delayed for this account. In a sphagnum bog the sphagnum moss is the living moss that floats on the top of the bog. It can retain air and a lot of water, so it’s excellent for orchids that need more moisture. lesser grades of sphagnum will often be labeled as 'moss for orchids', 'organic moss' or simply 'sphagnum moss'. It too is in bark mix. Is it possible that the stuff growing in the pots started from the bag (did I get a bad bag)? Sphagnum moss. Home Depot sells an “Orchid Moss” which is a premium sphagnum designed for planting orchids. I guess I’ll just wait and see. Potting materials have a significant effect on the growth of orchids, and therefore, it is essential that you select the right potting material for your Phalaenopsis orchids.There are two kinds of potting materials that are commonly used for growing Phalaenopsis orchids, and they are sphagnum moss … The blooms lasted about 5 weeks then slowly withered and fell away. In the same container, add one-fifth part of perlite or peat moss and mix it with tree bark thoroughly. A combination of fir bark, sphagnum moss, charcoal and coconut husks is appropriate for many orchid genera. I hope u can help me with this. John. It can be Coastal redwood, Douglas fir, or Osmunda tree fern bark. There are several types of growing media that can be used with orchid plants—redwood or fir bark, sphagnum peat moss, rocks, cork, charcoal, sand, potting soil, etc. I have now put it in a moss and Styrofoam filled pot. I will post soon on my self made mix. are the property of rePotme Orchid Supplies. The quality of the two is fairly per gallon of water. Be sure that it will cover the moss but not too heavy and dense. If it’s the whole mix then it may have been packed too tight. Orchids are used to times of abundant water and then dry spells. Pack moist sphagnum moss around the orchid’s roots. Copyright © 2005-2020 by, Inc.    302.855.5859, How To Know When an Orchid Needs Repotting. Peat moss is then processed into a soil amendment that is also a media used with orchids but Standard floral-quality sphagnum moss, available from nurseries and box stores and even sometimes Put your orchid inside the bag. Packed tightly in a pot it There are many graded levels of sphagnum moss. This is a simple modification that we’ve made to a number of Dendrobium cork mounts and baskets, and it has dramatically improved root growth, and subsequently, cane growth. The danger is that by soaking an orchid potted in moss in water the inner core of the moss stays constantly wet, resulting in rotted roots. per gallon of water. "Helping Bloom Happy Orchids One Pot At A Time For Over 25 Years". If you want multiple orchids on one plaque, then arrange the roots of … Its high air filled porosityis great for our epiphytic orchids You can also look it up online. Phalaenopsis orchids like a bit more moisture than most, so planting them in a high quality sphagnum is great. play. Acadian Supply, Inc. is the exclusive importer of premium New Zealand substrates with a variety of uses from orchid growing to reptile and amphibian bedding. Hi Hannah, I grow my orchids using sphagnum moss and plant them in a see through pot and recently the moss is turning green. I then tried to mount the orchid. I’m still watering on regular schedule. Website design by The Green Glass Pen. Either way air flow and not over watering them will help. The sphagnum moss that is used by the floral Otherwise, this can block the sunlight that is critical for the propagation of the sphagnum moss. Note: If you choose to use bark that is perfectly fine – I just prefer a moss mix. READ THIS FIRST!! A basic mix for growing orchids consists of coarse perlite, fir bark, and sphagnum moss. It is so easy to tell when they need to be watered because when the moss gets dry it gets “crunchy.” What I mean by “crunchy” is that, to the touch, they actually make a crunch noise …. For moth orchids, use 80% fir bark along with 20% sphagnum peat for best results. However, sphagnum moss may feel dry on its surface while the interior may still be moist. It is cleaner, lighter in color and has longer fibers which help to hold moisture / nutrients. Hi Hannah! Packed lightly in a pot it will dry out rapidly. Pluerothallis and their relatives do well also. They don’t like to be wet all the time. which is just a simple upgrade once I got the hang of caring for my first orchids. The bark mix seems to need replacement as it is dry & crumbly so I’m wanting to switch to moss. Soil, Orchid Bark Add one scoop of perlite, sphagnum moss, and charcoal (if you omit charcoal, add additional scoop of perlite). advertised as 'moss for orchids' is often not suitable for growing orchids. Reducing shock when re-potting seedlings such as Cattleyas, Phalaenopsis, oncidiums and.... Wanting to switch to moss may have been looking at different sphagnum mosses more for baskets. Quality potting mix put together an easy guide to help you start growing orchids consists coarse... Then learn the basics of growing successfully, top off the moss in. That the stuff growing in abundance on trees covered with sphagnum moss, called! 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